Biomineralizacja i diageneza szkieletu koralowców
Stolarski, J., Coronado, I., Potocka, M., Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Baronnet, A., Cruz, J.A., Grauby, O., Meibom, A. 2024. Post-mortem recrystallization of biogenic amorphous calcium carbonate guided by the inherited macromolecular framework. Scientific Reports 14:17304. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-68037-y
Arnold P., Janiszewska K., Li Q., O’Connor J.K., Fostowicz-Frelik Ł. 2024. The Late Cretaceous eutherian Zalambdalestes reveals unique axis and complex evolution of the mammalian neck. Science Bulletin 69: 1767–1775. doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.04.027
Pindakiewicz, M., Hryniewicz, K., Janiszewska, K. & Kaim, A. 2024. A microfossil evidence for the composition of fish communities in the Late Triassic of Tethys: examples from Cassian Formation, Italy. Lethaia 57(3): 1-15. doi: 10.18261/let.57.3.7
Gaaloul, N., Uchman, A., Riahi, S., Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Kołodziej, B., Ben Ali, S. 2023. In vivo and post-mortem bioerosion traces in solitary corals from the Pliocene of Tunisia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68:659-681, doi: 10.4202/app.01095.2023 [FULL TEXT PDF]
Sulikowska-Drozd, A., Maltz, T.K., Janiszewska, K. 2022. Flexible embryonic shell allies large offspring size and anti-predatory protection in viviparous snails. Scientific Reports 12, 17881. [FULL TEXT PDF]
Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Machalski, M., Stolarski, J. 2022. Exceptional preservation of aragonite in the Upper Cretaceous porous limestones. Journal of Taphonomy 16 (1-4): 79-80.
Pindakiewicz M. K., Hryniewicz K., Janiszewska K., Kaim A. 2022. First Cretaceous cephalopod statoliths fill the gap between Jurassic and Cenozoic forms. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 21: 801-813
Kania-Kłosok, I., Jordan-Stasiło, W., Kopeć, K., Janiszewska, K., & Krzemiński W. 2021. The first stage of the evolution of Rhabdomastix (Diptera, Limoniidae) and the taxonomic implications of genus. The European Zoological Journal 88(1):1152-1169; 10.1080/24750263.2021.2003880.
Stolarski, J., Coronado, I., Murphy, J.G., Kitahara, M.V., Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Gothmann, A.M., Bouvier, A.S., Marin-Carbonne, J., Taylor, M.L., Quattrini, A.M., McFadden, C.S., Higgins, J.A., Robinson, L.F., Meibom, A. 2021. A modern scleractinian coral with a two-component calcite-aragonite skeleton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(3):e2013316117, 10.1073/pnas.2013316117
Kaczmarek, P., Janiszewska, K., Metcher, B., Rupik, W. 2020. Development of the squamate naso-palatal complex: detailed 3D analysis of the vomeronasal organ and nasal cavity in the brown anole Anolis sagrei (Squamata: Iguania). Frontiers in Zoology 17:28, doi:10.1186/s12983-020-00369-7 [FULL TEXT PDF]
Hermyt, M., Janiszewska, K., Rupik, W. 2020. Squamate egg tooth development revisited using three-dimensional reconstructions of brown anole (Anolis sagrei, Squamata, Dactyloidae) dentition.Journal of Anatomy 236:1004-1020, doi:10.1111/joa.13166 [FULL TEXT PDF]
Sulikowska-Drozd, A., Duda, P., Janiszewska, K. 2020. Micro-CT screening of old shell collections helps to understand the distribution of viviparity in the highly diversified clausiliid clade of land snails. Scientific Reports 10:60, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-56674-7 [FULL TEXT PDF]
Krug, P., Kwiatkowska, M., Mojzych, I., Głowala, P., Dorant, S., Kępińska, D., Chotkowski, M., Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Wiktorska, K., Kaczyńska, K., Mazur, M. 2019. Polypyrrole microcapsules loaded with gold nanoparticles: Perspectives for biomedical imaging. Synthetic Metals 248, 27–34, doi:10.1016/j.synthmet.2018.12.025 [FULL TEXT PDF]
Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Machalski, M., Stolarski, J. 2018. From pristine aragonite to blocky calcite: Exceptional preservation and diagenesis of cephalopod nacre in porous Cretaceous limestones. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0208598, [FULL TEXT PDF]
Surmik, D., Szczygielski, T., Janiszewska, K., Rothschild, B.M. 2018. Tuberculosis-like respiratory infection in 245-million-year-old marine reptile suggested by bone pathologies. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 180225; doi: 10.1098/rsos.180225. [FULL TEXT PDF]
Surmik, D., Rothschild, B.M., Dulski, M., Janiszewska, K. 2017. Two types of bone necrosis in the Middle Triassic Pistosaurus longaevus bones: the results of integrated studies. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 170204; doi: 10.1098/rsos.170204. [FULL TEXT PDF]
Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Escrig, S., Meibom, A., Stolarski, J. 2017. Aragonitic scleractinian corals in the Cretaceous calcitic sea. Geology 45(4):319-322, doi: 10.1130/G38593.1. [FULL TEXT PDF]
Rakociński, M., Pisarzowska, A., Janiszewska, K. & Szrek, P. 2016. Depositional conditions during the Lower Kellwasser Event (Late Frasnian) in the deep-shelf Łysogory Basin of the Holy Cross Mountains Poland. Lethaia, doi: 10.1111/let.12167.
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Kitahara, M., Neuser, R. & Mazur, M. 2015. Microstructural disparity between basal micrabaciids and other Scleractinia: new evidence from Neogene Stephanophyllia. Lethaia 48:417-428, doi: 10.1111/let.12119 [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)].
Uchman, A., Rattazzi, B., Kaminski, M.A. & Janiszewska, K. 2015. Large astrorhizid foraminifera from Oligocene - Lower Miocene deep-sea sediments, Northern Apennines, Italy: A new perspective on the genus Astrorhizinoides Stschedrina, 1969. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigraphia 121(1):21-30.
Kijewska K., Kowalska, J., Jemielity, J., Kaczyńska, K., Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Blanchard, G.J., Kępińska, D., Głowala, P., Lubelska, K., Wiktorska, K., Pisarek, M. & Mazur, M. 2015. Gold-decorated polymer vessel structures as carriers of mRNA cap analogues. Polymer 57:77-87, doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2014.12.019 [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)].
Domart-Coulon I., Stolarski J., Brahmi C. Gutner-Hoch E., Janiszewska K., Shemesh A. & Meibom A. 2014. Simultaneous extension of both basic microstructural components in scleractinian coral skeleton during night and daytime, visualized by in situ 86Sr pulse labeling. Journal of Structural Biology 185(1): 79-88, [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)].
Janiszewska, K., Jaroszewicz, J. & Stolarski, J. 2013. Skeletal ontogeny in basal scleractinian micrabaciid corals. Journal of Morphology 274(3):243-257, doi:10.1002/jmor.20085. [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)] [SOM (Publisher site]
Owocki, K., Niedźwiedzki, G., Sennikov, A.G., Golubev, V.K., Janiszewska, K. & Sulej, T. 2013. Upper Permian vertebrate coprolites from the Vyazniki and Gorokhovets, Vyatkian regional stage, Russian Platform. Palaios 27(12):867-877, doi:10.2110/palo.2012.p12-017r. [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)]
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Mazur, M., Kitahara, M. and Cairns, S.D. 2011. A unique skeletal microstructure of the deep-sea micrabaciid scleractinian corals. Journal of Morphology 272(2):191-203, doi:10.1002/jmor.10906 [FULL TEXT PDF (Publisher site)] [SOM (Publisher site]
Gierliński, G., Menducki P., Janiszewska, K., Wicik, I., Boczarowski, A. 2009. A preliminary report on dinosaur track assemblages in the Middle Jurassic of Imilchil area, Morocco. Geological Quarterly 53 (4): 477-482. [FULL TEXT PDF: ca. 370 KB]
Sulikowska-Drozd, A., Mamos, T. Janiszewska, K. 2022. Alternative reproductive strategies (viviparity/oviparity) in the phylogeny of a hyperdiversified group of land snails . In: Bergmeier F.S., Brenzinger B., and Neusser T. P. (eds). World Congress of Malacology 2022, 31st July – 5th August, Munich, Germany. Spixiana Supplement 30A: 176.
Pindakiewicz M., Hryniewicz K., Janiszewska K., and Kaim A. 2022. First Cretaceous cephalopod statoliths and the evolution of decabranchians. In: Bergmeier F.S., Brenzinger B., and Neusser T. P. (eds). World Congress of Malacology 2022, 31st July – 5th August, Munich, Germany. Spixiana Supplement 30A: 86.
Arnold, P., Janiszewska, K., Li, Q., & Fostowicz-Frelik, Ł. 2021. A Mesozoic “woodpecker”? Functional morphology of the neck in Zalambdalestes lechei (Mammalia: Eutheria) informed by micro-CT study. Anatomical Society Virtual Summer Meeting, July 7–9, Glasgow; Abstract Book, p. 28
Sulikowska-Drozd, A., Maltz, T.K., Janiszewska, K. 2021. “Obstetrical dilemma” in viviparous snails. 9th European Congress of Malacological Societies, Prague, Czechia; 5-9 September 2021; Abstract Book, p. 88
Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Escrig, S., Meibom, A., Stolarski, J. 2019. Scleractinian coral biomineralization and Mg/Ca in the changing ocean. 13thInternational Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera 2019, Modena, Italy – Abstract Book, p. 26.
Stolarski, J., Janiszewska, K., Coronado, I., Takeuchi, T., Ravet, L., Thomas, J., Marin, F. 2019. Deep-water scleractinian corals and their skeletal organic matrices: A source of phylogenetic data? 15th International Symposium on Biomineralization 9-13 September 2019, Munich, Germany – Abstract Book, O-69.
Sulikowska-Drozd, A., Duda, P., Janiszewska, K. 2019. A fresh x-ray look on old collections: Micro-CT screening of viviparity in clausiliid land snails clade. World Congress of Malacology 2019, 11–16 August, 2019, Pacific Grove, California, Abstract Book, 281.
Trębicki, Ł., Patoleta, B., Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Bartos, M., Marusik, Y., Dabert M., Żabka, M. 2018. Securing paternity in jumping spiders, with description of a novel form of mating plug in Cytaea Keyserling, 1882 (Araneae: Salticidae). 31st European Congress of Arachnology; 8 - 13 July, 2018, Vác, Hungary. p. 135.
Surmik, D., Szczygielski, T., Janiszewska, K., Rothschild, B.M. 2018. Tuberculosis-like respiratory infection in 245-million-year old marine reptile suggested by bone pathologies. 78th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, October 17–20, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. p. 224-225.
Corfe, I.J., Fostowicz-Frelik, L., Cox, P.G., Cobb S.N., Janiszewska, K. 2018. An exceptionally preserved juvenile specimen of the multituberculate Tombaatar sabuli provides new data on multituberculate dental development. 78th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, October 17–20, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. p. 110.
Kaczmarek, P., Janiszewska, K., Rupik, W. 2017. Embryology of the vomeronasal organ and associated structures in the brown anole (Squamata: Iguania). 19th SEH European Congress of Herpetology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, September 18th-23rd 2017. Programme & Abstracts, p. 84.
Hermyt, M., Janiszewska, K., Rupik, W. 2017. Structure and ultrastructure of the developing egg tooth in squamate reptiles. 19th SEH European Congress of Herpetology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, September 18th-23rd 2017. Programme & Abstracts, p. 77.
Surmik, D., Szczygielski, T., Rothschild, B.M., Janiszewska, K. 2017. Evidence of Tuberculosis-Like Infection in a Middle Triassic Eusauropterygian, Proneusticosaurus silesiacus Volz, 1902. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Munich, Germany, 31.07-5.08 2017.Zitteliana : An International Journal of Palaeontology and Geobiology 91, p. 86.
Hermyt, M., Kaczmarek, P., Janiszewska, K., Okła, H., Rupik, W. 2017. Egg teeth of squamate reptiles - embryonic adaptation to hatching. Evolution 2017, 23-27.06.2017, Portland, USA.
Kaczmarek, P., Janiszewska, K., Hermyt, M., Rupik, W. 2017. Embryology of the vomeronasal organ and associated structures in the context of squamate evolution: a 3D perspective. Evolution 2017, 23-27.06.2017, Portland, USA.
Corfe, I., Cobb, S.N., Cox, P.G., Fostowicz-Frelik, Ł., Janiszewska, K. 2016. First in situ evidence of replacement of the multituberculate I2, and new data on multituberculate dental development. The 64th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Liverpool, August 22nd - 26th, 2016, p.18.
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J. 2015. Microstructural disparity between basal micrabaciids and other scleractinian corals. 13th International Symposium on Biomineralization (Biomin XIII) 16-19 September 2015 Granada, Spain. p. 67.
Janiszewska K., Stolarski J. 2015. The skeletal ontogeny of basal micrabaciid scleractinian corals. 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Muscat, Oman. Gutech Geoscience Conference Publication 2: 8.
Domart-Coulon, I, Stolarski, J., Brahmi, C., Janiszewska, K., Hoch-Gutner, E., Shemesh, A. & Meibom, A. 2013. Simultaneous formation of two basic microstructural components in scleractinian coral skeleton during night and daytime, visualized by in situ 86Sr pulse labeling. 12th International Symposium on Biomineralization, 27-30 August, Freiberg, Germany.
Stolarski, J., Brahmi, C., Janiszewska, K., Domart-Coulon, I. & Meibom, A. 2012. Skeletal structure of scleractinian corals: biological, evolutionary and taxonomic significance. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (9-13 July 2012, Cairns, Queensland, Australia).
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Kitahara, M. & Cairns, S.D. 2011. Deep insight into deep-water corals: unique microstructure of micrabaciids. Abstracts, 11th Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera, Liège, August 19-29, 2011. Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie 19: 59-60.
Owocki, K., Niedźwiedzki, G., Sennikov,A.G., Golubev, V.K., Janiszewska, K., Biernacki, K. & Sulej, T. 2011. Horizons with the Late Permian vertebrate coprolites from the Vyazniki and Gorokhovets, Vyatkian Gorizont, Russian Platform – preliminary report. 64. In: Nebelsick J.H., Friedrich J.-P. and Dynowski J.F. (eds.), 6th International Meeting on Taphonomy and Fossilization. Taphos 2011. Tübingen, 14th-17th June 2011. Annali dell’Università di Ferrara, Sez. Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, volume speciale. [PDF] [PDF-poster]
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J., Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Mazur, M., Kitahara, M. and Cairns, S.D. 2010. A unique skeletal microstructure of the deep-sea micrabaciid scleractinian corals. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-9523.
Stolarski, J. Reynaud, S., Ferrier-Pages, C., Janiszewska, K., Domart-Coulon, I., Beraud, E., Marrocchi, Y., Mazur, M., Szlachetko, J. and Meibom, A. 2010. Scleractinian corals cultured in low Mg/Ca seawater form aragonite skeleton. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-9657-1.
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J. 2019. O niezywkłym przetrwaniu aragonitu w porowatych wapieniach górnej kredy. XXIV Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego Wrocław, Długopole Górne, 11-14 września 2019 r. s.38-39.
Kaczmarek, P., Janiszewska, K., Rupik, W. 2018. Embryology of the vomeronasal organ and associated structures in the brown anole (Squamata: Iguania). XXXIII Conference on Embryology Plants - Animals - Humans, Olsztyn, Poland, May 23rd-26th 2018. Abstracts. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, Vol. 60 suppl. 1: 32.
Hermyt, M., Janiszewska, K., Rupik, W. 2018. Structure and development of squamate egg teeth. XXXIII Conference on Embryology Plants - Animals - Humans, Olsztyn, Poland, May 23rd-26th 2018. Abstracts. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, Vol. 60 suppl. 1: 29.
Janiszewska, K., Stolarski, J. 2016. Szkielet pod kontrolą? Biomineralizacja koralowców w zmieniającym się oceanie. XXIII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego Poznań, 21-23 września 2016 r. s.53.
Janiszewska, K. & Stolarski, J. 2013. Ontogeneza bazalnych koralowców w świetle promieni rentgena. XXII Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego Tyniec, 27-30 września 2013 r, 19. [Abstract]
Janiszewska, K. & Stolarski, J. 2010. Korony głębin – o strukturze szkieletu koralowców Micrabaciidae. XXI Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej PTG 2010, Kopalne Biocenozy w Czasie i Przestrzeni, Żarki-Letnisko 13-16 września, 23-25.
Stolarski, J. & Janiszewska, K. 2010. Aragonitowe koralowce kalcytowych mórz. XXI Konferencja Naukowa Sekcji Paleontologicznej PTG 2010, Kopalne Biocenozy w Czasie i Przestrzeni, Żarki-Letnisko 13-16 września, 72-74.
Janiszewska, K., Szrek, P., Woroncowa-Marcinowska, T. 2007. Zapis zdarzeń biotycznych na pograniczu frańsko-fameńskim w Płuckach koło Łagowa. – W: A. Żylińska (red.), Granice paleontologii. XX Konferencja Naukowa Paleobiologów i Biostratygrafów PTG, 10-13.09.2007. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 63-66.
Janiszewska, K., Wicik, I. 2007. W krainie ostrych szczytów. W: Materiały konferencyjne Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowych Kół Geologicznych, Kraków 1-2. 12. 2007.
Janiszewska, K., Menducki, P., Wicik, I. 2010. W krainie dinozaurów. 1-32. MULTICO, Warszawa