Zakład Paleobiologii Środowiskowej

prof. dr hab. Józef KAŹMIERCZAK

Zespół Badawczy Wczesnego Życia i Osadów Mikrobialnych

Kopalne i współczesne maty sinicowe, biosedymentologia, paleogeomikrobiologia, glony wapienne, sklerogąbki, procesy biokalcyfikacyjne w czasie i przestrzeni, astrobiologia


Dane osobowe

Józef Kaźmierczak

  • 1964 magisterium z geologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • 1971 doktorat z geologii, Wydział Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
  • 1983 hablitacja, Wydziała BIologii i nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • 1990  tytuł profesora przyznany przez Prezydenta RP

Projekty badawcze
  • 1989–1999 projekt Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG (project Ke 322/10-1/2/3 i Wo 395/4-1/2/3/4): Sediments and hydrochemistry of Lake Van, Turkey (Sedimente und Wasserchemie des Van See, Türkei)
  • 1991–1999 projekt Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG (Schwerpunktprogram): Global and regional factors controlling biogenic sedimentatiom (Globale und regionale Steuerungsfaktoren biogener Sedimentation)
  • 1993–1999 projekt Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG (project Ke 287/9): Microbialites and sponges – association with alkalized seawater-filled crater lake of Satonda (Indonesia) as modern example of fossil sponge lithofacies (Untersuchung der Mikrobialithe und Spongien-Assoziation in mit alkalischen Meerwasser gefülten Kratersee von Satonda (Indonesien) als rezente Beispiel fossile Spongiolithfazies)
  • 1994–1995 grant Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: Geomicrobiological aspects of the genesis of some common types of marine limestones
  • 1997–1998 grant Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: An attempt of geomicrobiological and geochemical-isotopic interpretation of the genesis and paleoceanographical significance of fossil marine ooids
  • 1998–2001 Projekt Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ke 287 19/1): Pilot-study of geochemistry and calcareous microbial deposits of crater lakes on Niuafo’ou Island, Tonga
  • 2000–2001 grant Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: Paleozoic calcispheres: Origin, taphonomy and significance in microfacies analysis
  • 2000–2003 grant and stupendium Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej (Program Mistrz 2000): Role of microorganisms in the evolution of biosphere and lithogenic processes
  • 2006–2008 grant Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: Modern calcareous microbialites from lake Alchichica, Mexico: model structures for studies on morphogenesis of Precambrian microbialites
  • 2006–2008 międzynarodowy projekt (Polska i RPA): Origins of carbonates in Archaean microbial ecosystems (współkoordynator Prof. Patrick G. Eriksson, Department of Geology, University of Pretoria)
  • 2010–2012 grant Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: Traces of life from the Barberton (South Africa) and its significance for the interpretation of Early Earth evolution
  • 2011–2013 grant finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki: Eukaryote-like fossils from the Archaean of South Africa and their importance for reassessing the early Earth biosphere  (kierownik grantu)
  • 2012–2015 grant finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki: Cyanobacteria as rock-forming agents and proxies for tracing hydrochemistry of ancient epeiric seas (główny wykonawca)
  • 2016–2018 grant finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki:  Archaecyatha: geochemical and microtaphonomical test of bioafiliation and paleoenvironmental significance (kierownik projektu)

Obecni doktoranci

Zainteresowania badawcze

  • kopalne i współczesne maty sinicowe
  • mikrobiality, stromatolity, stromatoporoidy
  • jeziora alkaliczne
  • biomineralizacja, biosedymentologia, paleomikrobiologia
  • tafonomia i paleobiologia akritarchów 
  • nannoproblematyki
  • glony wapienne, sklerogąbki
  • procesy biokalcyfikacyjne w czasie i przestrzeni
  • astrobiologia


Artykuły naukowe

Kazmierczak, J. (1967): Morphology and palaeoecology of the productid Horridonia horrida (Sowerby) from Zechstein of Poland. Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 12, 239-260, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Pszczółkowski, A. (1967): Brekcja i piaskowiec czwartorzędowy z okolic Chęcin. Biul. Geol. Uniw. Warsz., 9, 289-300, Warszawa.

Kozłowski, R. and Kazmierczak, J. (1968): On two Ordovician calcareous algae. Acta Palaeont. Polonica 13(3), 325-346, Warszawa.

Kozłowski, R. and Kazmierczak, J. (1968): Sur une Algue ordovicienne conservant le thalle organique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. D 266, 2147-2148, Paris.

Gradziński, R., Kazmierczak, J. and Lefeld, J. (1968): Geographical and geological data from the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions. In: Z. Kielan-Jaworowska (ed.), Results of the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions, Part 1. - Palaeont. Polonica, 19, 33-82, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Pszczółkowski, A. (1968): Nieciągłości sedymentacyjne w dolnym kimerydzie południowo-zachodniego obrzeżenia mezozoicznego Gór Świętokrzyskich.  Acta Geol. Polonica, 18, 587-612, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Pszczółkowski, A. (1969): Burrows of Enteropneusta in Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of the Holy Cross Mountains.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 12, 299-324, Warszawa.
Kazmierczak, J. (1969): A new interpretation of astrorhizae in the Stromatoporoidea. - Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 14, 499-535, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1971): Morphogenesis and systematics of the Devonian Stromatoporoidea from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.  Palaeont. Polonica, 26, 1-150, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1971): In: Trzon paleozoiczny Gór Świętokrzyskich.  Przewodnik
 XLIII Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, Kraków, 12-14 września 1971, str. 25-44, Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1973):Tolypammina vagans (Foraminiferida) as inhabitant of the Oxfordian siliceous sponges.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 18, 95-115, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1974): Crustacean associated hiatus concretions and eogenetic cementation in the Upper Jurassic of central Poland.  Neues Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 147, 329-342, Stuttgart.

Kazmierczak, J. (1974): Lower Cretaceous sclerosponge from the Slovakian Tatra Mountains. - Palaeontology, 17, 341-347, Oxford.

Goldring, R. and Kazmierczak, J. (1974): Ecological succession in intraformational hardground formation.  Palaeontology, 17, 949-962, Oxford.

Kazmierczak, J. and Hillmer, G. (1974): Sclerosponge nature of the lower Hauterivian "bryozoan" Neuropora pustulosa (Roemer, 1839) from western Germany.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 19, 443-453, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1975): Colonial Volvocales (Chlorophyta) from the Upper Devonian of Poland and their palaeoenvironmental significance.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 20, 73-85, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1976):Volvocacean nature of some Palaeozoic non-radiosphaerid calcispheres and parathuramminid "Foraminifera".  Acta Palaeont. Polonica 21, 245-258, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1976): Devonian and modern relatives of the Precambrian Eosphaera: possible significance for the early eukaryotes.  Lethaia, 9, 39-50, Oslo.

Kazmierczak, J. and Golubić, S. (1976): Oldest organic remains of boring algae from Polish Upper Silurian.  Nature, 251, 404-406, London. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. (1976): Cyanophycean nature of stromatoporoids.  Nature, 264, 49-51, London. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. and Goldring, R. (1978): Subtidal flat-pebble conglomerate from the Upper Devonian of Poland: a multiprovenant high energy product.  Geol. Magazine 115, 359-366, Cambridge.

Kazmierczak, J. (1979): The eukaryotic nature of Eosphaera-like ferriferous structures from the Precambrian Gunflint Iron Formation: a comparative study. Precambrian Res., 9, 1-22, Amsterdam.

Kazmierczak, J. (1979): Sclerosponge nature of chaetetids evidenced by spiculated Chaetetopsis favrei (Denninger, 1906) from the Barremian of Crimea.  Neues Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 2, 97-108, Stuttgart.

Campbell, S., Kazmierczak, J. and Golubic, S. (1979): Palaeoconchocelis starmachii gen. n., sp. n., an endolithic rhodophyte (Bangiaceae) from the Silurian of Poland. Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 24 (3), 405-408.

Kazmierczak, J. (1980): Stromatoporoid stromatolites: new insight into evolution of Cyanobacteria. - Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 25, 243-251, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (1981): Evidences for Cyanophyte Origin of Stromatoporoids. In: C. Monty (ed.), Phanerozoic Stromatolites, 230-241, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Kazmierczak, J. (1981): The biology and evolutionary significance of Devonian volvocaceans and their Precambrian relatives.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 26, 299-337, Warszawa. [text - PDF]

Kazmierczak, J. and Krumbein, W. E. (1982): The Preservability of Coccoid Cyanobacteria Forming Stromatoporoid Stromatolites.  North American Paleontological Convention III, August 5-7, 1982, Montreal.  J. Paleont. 56, Suppl. to no. 2, p.14, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kazmierczak, J. and Krumbein, W. E. (1983): Identification of calcified coccoid cyanobacteria forming stromatoporoid stromatolites.  Lethaia, 16, 207-215, Oslo.

Kazmierczak, J. (1984): Favositid Tabulates: Evidence for Poriferan Affinity.  Science, 225, 835-837, Washington. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J., Ittekkot, V. and Degens, E. T. (1985): Biocalcification through time: environmental challenge and cellular response.  Paläont. Zschr., 59, 15-33, Stuttgart.

Degens, E. T., Kazmierczak, J. and Ittekkot, V. (1985): Cellular response to Ca2+ stress and its geological implications.  Acta Palaeont. Polonica 30 (3-4), 115-135, Warszawa. [text - PDF]

Degens, E.T., Kazmierczak, J. and Ittekkot, V. (1986): Biomineralization and the carbon isotope record. TMPM Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt., 35, 117-126, Wien.

Kazmierczak, J. and Degens, E. T. (1986): Calcium and the Early Eukaryotes. Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, 61, 1-20, Hamburg.

Kazmierczak, J. (1987): Stromatoporen aus dem Kaolinsand von Braderup auf Sylt. In: U. von Hacht (Hrsg), Fossilien von Sylt II, 179-183, Inge-Maria v. Hacht Verlag/Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hamburg.

Kazmierczak, J. (1989): Halysitid tabulates: sponges in corals' clothing. Lethaia, 22, 195-205, Oslo.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. and Degens, E.T. (1989): The Soda Ocean Concept and its Bearing on Biotic Evolution. In: R. E. Crick (ed.), Origin, Evolution, and Modern Aspects of Biomineralization in Plants and Animals, 29-43, Plenum Press, New York.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (1990): Chemistry and stromatolites of the sea-linked Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia: A recent model for the Precambrian sea? Chemical Geology, 81, 299-310, Amsterdam.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (1990): Calcium Carbonate Supersaturation and the Formation of in situ Calcified Stromatolites. In: V. Ittekkot, S. Kempe, W. Michaelis and A. Spitzy (eds.), Facets of Modern Biogeochemistry, 255-278, Springer, Berlin.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (1990): Modern Cyanobacterial Analogs of Paleozoic Stromatoporoids. Science 250, 1244-1248, Washington. [text - journal site]

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J., Landmann, G., Konuk, T., Reimer and A., Lipp, A. (1991): World's largest microbialites discovered in Lake Van, Turkey. Nature, 349, No. 6310, 605-608, London. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. (1991): Further Evidence for Poriferan Affinity of Favositids. In: H. Keupp and J. Reitner (eds.), Recent and Fossil Sponges, pp. 212-223, Springer, Berlin.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J., Konuk, T., Landmann, G., Lipp, A. Reimer, A. (1992): Mikrobialithe in alkalischen Seen – lebende Zeugen des Urozeans? Spektrum der Wissenschaft 1, 14-15, Berlin.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, J. (1992): Żyjący świadkowie praoceanu. Świat Nauki, 6, str. 8-10, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (1992): Recent cyanobacterial counterparts of Paleozoic Wetheredella and related problematic fossils.  Palaios, 7, 294-304, Lawrence.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (1993): Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia: Hydrogeochemistry and Biocarbonates. Facies, 28, 1-32.

Kazmierczak, J. (1993): Sclerite-bearing alveolitid favositids from the Devonian of central Poland. Paläont. Zeitschrift, 67, 27-44, Stuttgart.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (1994): The Role of Alkalinity in the Evolution of Ocean Chemistry, Organization of Living Systems, and Biocalcification Processes. In: F. Doumenge (ed.), Past and Present Biomineralization Processes. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco no. spec. 13, 61-117, Monaco.

Kazmierczak, J. (1994): Confirmation of the poriferan status of favositid tabulates. Acta Palaeont. Polonica, 39(3), 233-245, Warszawa. [text - PDF]

Kazmierczak, J., Coleman, M. L., Gruszczyński, M. and Kempe, S. (1996): Cyanobacterial key to the genesis of micritic and peloidal limestones in ancient seas. Acta Palaeont. Polonica 41(4), 319-338, Warszawa. [text - PDF]

Kaźmierczak, J. and Gruszczyński, M. (1996): Biogeologia: próby integracji nauk o życiu i nauk o Ziemi. Kosmos 45(4), 737-745, Warszawa.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J., Reimer, A., Landmann G. and Reitner, J. (1996): Microbialites and Hydrochemistry of the Crater Lake of Satonda - a Status Report. In: J. Reitner, F. Neuweiler, F. and F. Gunkel (eds.), Global and Regional Controls on Biogenic Sedimentation. Reef Evolution. Research Reports. Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläont., Sb2, 59-63, Göttingen.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (1997): A terrestrial model for an alkaline martian hydrosphere. Planet. Space Sci., 45(11), 1493-1499, London-Amsterdam.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J., Landmann, G., Reimer, A. and Reitner, J. (1997): SatondaIsland: a porthole view into the oceanic past. In: T. Tomascik, A. Janice Mah, Nontji and M. K. Moosa. The Ecology of Indonesian Seas, Part 1 (The Ecology of Indonesian Seas; Series v. VII), pp. 156-166, Periplus Editions, The University of Halifax, Dalhousie.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (1998): Bakteryjne sferulity z cyjanobakteryjnych mikrobialitów jeziora Van (Turcja) kluczem do wyjaśnienia genezy kopalnych ooidów. Działalność Naukowa PAN, 6, 54-56, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Iryu, Y. (1999): Cyanobacterial origin of microcrystalline cements from Pleistocene rhodoliths and coralline algal crusts of Okierabu- jima, Japan. Acta Palaeon. Polonica 44 (2), 117-130, Warszawa.

Kaźmierczak, J. and Altermann, W. (2002): Neoarchean biomineralization by benthic cyanobacteria. Science, 298, 2351. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak J. and Kremer, B. (2002): Thermal alteration of the Earth’s oldest fossils. Nature, 420, 476-477.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. (2002): Biogenesis and Early Life on Earth and Europa: Favored by an Alkaline Ocean? Astrobiology, 2, 123-130. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S. (2003): Modern terrestrial analogues for the carbonate globules in Martian meteorite ALH84001. Naturwissenschaften 90, 167-172.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (2003): Modern soda lakes: Model environments for an early alkaline ocean. In: T. Müller and H. Müller (eds.), Modelling in Natural Science – Design, Validation and Case Studies, 309-322, Springer, Berlin.

Kühl, M., Fenchel, T. and Kazmierczak, J. (2003): Growth, structure and calcification potential of an artificial cyanobacterial mat. In: W.E. Krumbein, D.M. Paterson and G.A. Zavarzin (eds.), Fossil and Recent Biofilms – A Natural History of Life on Earth, pp. 77- 102, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Altermann, W. and Kazmierczak, J. (2003): Archean microfossils: a reappraisal of early life on Earth. Research in Microbiology, 154, 611-617, Amsterdam.

Kazmierczak J. and Kempe, S. (2003): Modern analogues for the carbonate globules in Martian Meteorite ALH84001. Naturwissenschaften, 90, 167-172, Heidelberg.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2003): Controversy about Earth’s oldest life. Spór o najstarsze ślady życia. Działalność Naukowa PAN 16,57-59, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. (2003): Gromada Chlorophyta: rząd Volvocales. In: L. Malinowska (red.), Budowa Geologiczna Polski - Atlas Skamieniałości przewodnich i charakterystycznych, T. 3, cz.1 d-z1, Dewon, 689-690, PIG Warszawa. (rozdział w książce).

Kazmierczak, J. (2003): Gromada Cyanophyta (=Cyanobacteria): Stromatolity stromatoporoidowe. Budowa Geologiczna Polski - Atlas Skamieniałości przewodnich i charakterystycznych, T. 3, cz. 1d-z1, Dewon, 690-708, PIG Warszawa. (rozdział w książce).

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S. and Altermann, W. (2004): Microbial origin of Precambrian carbonates: Lessons from modern analogues. In: P.G. Eriksson, W. Altermann, D.R. Nelson, W.U. Mueller and O. Catuneanu (eds.), The Precambrian Earth – Tempos and Events, pp. 545-564. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2004): Calcium build-up in the Precambrian sea: A major promoter in the evolution of eukaryotic life. In: J. Seckbach (ed.), Origins – Genesis, Evolution and Diversity of Microbial Life , pp. 331-345, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2004): The saga begins. Academia - Magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Vol. 1, 16-19, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2004): Microbialite formation in seawater of increased alkalinity, Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia – Discussion. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 74, 314-317, Boulder.

Kremer, B. and Kazmierczak, J. (2005): Cyanobacterial mats from Silurian Black radiolarian cherts: Phototrophic life at the edge of darkness? Journal of Sedimentary Research, 75, 897-906, Boulder. [text - journal site]

López-Garcia, P., Kazmierczak, J., Benzerara, K., Kempe, S., Guyot, F. and Moreira, D. (2005): Bacteria diversity and carbonate precipitation in the giant microbialites from the highly alkaline Lake Van, Turkey. Extremophiles 9, 263-274, Heidelberg. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2005): Early post-mortem calcified Devonian acritarchs as a source of calcispheric structures. Facies 51, 554-565, Erlangen. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2006): Genuine modern analogues of Precambrian stromatolites from caldera lakes of Niuafoou Island, Tonga. Naturwissenschaften 93, 119- 126, Heidelberg. [text - journal site]

Altermann, W., Kaźmierczak, J., Oren, A. and Wright, D.T. (2006): Cyanobacterial calcification and its rock-building potential during 3.5 billion years of Earth history. Geobiology 4, 147-166, Oxford. [text - journal site]

Benzerara, K., Menguy, N., Lopez-Garcia, P., Yoon Tae-Hyun, Kaźmierczak, J., Tyliszczak, T., Guyot, F. and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2006): Nanoscale detection of organic signatures in carbonate microbialites. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS) 103, 9440-9445, Stanford. [text - journal site]

Kaźmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2006): Astropaleobiologia: perspektywy poszukiwań dawnego życia poza Ziemią. W: Ferrari, F. and Szuszkiewicz, E. (red.) Astrobiologia. Poprzez pył kosmiczny do DNA. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniw. Szczecińskiego. Rozprawy i Studia T. 600, 121-144, Szczecin.

Kremer, B. and Kaźmierczak, J. (2006): Perspektywy poszukiwań życia na Marsie. Kosmos 4, 365-380, Kraków.

Kempe, S. and Kaźmierczak, J. (2007): Hydrochemical key to the genesis of calcareous nonlaminated and laminated cyanobacterial microbialites. In: Seckbach, J. (Ed.), Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments. Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, vol. 11, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 242-264.

Kremer, B., Kaźmierczak, J. and Stal, L.J., (2008): Calcium carbonate precipitation in cyanobacterial mats from sandy tidal flats of the North Sea. Geobiology 6, 46-56, Oxford.

Kaźmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2009): Thermally altered Silurian cyanobacterial mats: a key to Earth’s oldest fossils". Astrobiology 9: 731-743 + cover photo.

Kaźmierczak, J., Altermann, W., Kremer, B., Kempe, S., and Eriksson, P.G. (2009): Mass occurrence of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria and their role in the production of carbonates in Neoarchean of South Africa. Precambrian Research 173: 79-92. [text - journal site]

Kaźmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2009): Spore-like bodies in early Paleozoic acritarchs: clues to chlorococcalean affinities. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54: 541-551. [text - journal site]

Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Gautier, Q., Kaźmierczak, J., Stolarski, J., Menguy, N., and Brown, G.E.,Jr. (2010): Nanotextures of aragonite in stromatolites from the quasi- marine Satonda crater lake, Indonesia. In: Pedley, H.M. and Rogerson, M. (eds.), Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 336, 211-224, London.

Pisera, A., Rützler, K., Kaźmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2010): Sponges in an extreme environment: suberitids from the quasi-marine Satonda Island crater lake (Sumbawa, Indonesia). Journal of the Marine Biological Association U.K., 90, 203-212. [text - journal site]

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. (2011): Soda ocean hypothesis. In: Thiel, V. and Reitner, J. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Springer. 824-829.

Kempe, S. and Kaźmierczak, J. (2011): Soda lakes: In: Thiel, V. and Reitner, J. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Geobiology, Springer: 829-833.

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S., Kremer, B., López-García, P., Moreira, D. and, Tavera, R. (2011): Hydrochemistry and microbialites of the alkaline crater Lake Alchichica, Mexico. Facies 57, 543-570. [text - journal site]

Couradeau, E., Benzerara, K., Moreira, D., Gérard, E., Kazmierczak, J., Tavera, R., López-García, P. 2011.  Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Community Structure in Field and Cultured Microbialites from the Alkaline Lake Alchichica (Mexico). Plos ONE 6(12): e28767. [text - journal site]

Kremer, B., Bauer, M., Stark, R.W., Gast, N., Altermann, W., Gursky, H-J., Heckl, W.M., Kazmierczak, J. 2012. Laser-Raman and atomic force microscopy assessment of the chlorococcalean affinity of problematic microfossils. J. Raman Spectr. 43, 32-39. [text - journal site]

Kremer, B., Owocki, K., Królikowska, A., Wrzosek, B., Kazmierczak, J. (2012): Mineral microbial structures in a bone of the Late Cretaceous dinosaur Saurolophus angustirostris from the Gobi Desert Mongolia — a Raman spectroscopy study. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 358-360: 51–61.

Kempe, S., and Kazmierczak, J. (2012): Terrestrial analogues for early planetary oceans: Niuafo‘ou Caldera Lakes (Tonga) and their geology, water chemistry and stromatolites. In: Hanslmeier, A., Kempe, S., Seckbach, J. eds. Life on Earth and other Planetary Bodies, Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology 24, 195–234. Springer, Dordrecht. [info - publisher site]

Kazmierczak, J. Kremer, B. and Racki, G. (2012): Late Devonian marine anoxia challenged by benthic cyanobacterial mats. Geobiology 10: 371–383. [text - journal site]

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J., Łukomska-Kowalczyk, M. and Kempe S. (2012): Calcification and silicification: Fossilization potential of cyanobacteria from stromatolites of Niuafo‘ou’s Caldera Lakes (Tonga) and implications for the early fossil record. Astrobiology 12, 535–548. [text - journal site]

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S., Kremer, B. (2013): Calcium in the Early Evolution of Living Systems: A Biohistorical Approach. Current Organic Chemistry 17, 1738-1750, Bussum.

Kaźmierczak, J., Fenchel, T., Kühl, M.,  Kempe, S., Kremer, B., Łącka, B., Małkowski, K. (2015): CaCO3 Precipitation in Multilayered Cyanobacterial Mats: Clues to Explain the Alternation of Micrite and Sparite Layers in Calcareous Stromatolites.  Life 03/2015; 5(1):744-769. [text - journal site]

Kaźmierczak, J. , Kremer, B.,  Altermann, W., Franchi, I. (2016): Tubular microfossils from ∼2.8 to 2.7 Ga-old lacustrine deposits of South Africa: A sign for early origin of eukaryotes? Precambrian Research 286: 180–194. [text - journal site]

Owocki, K., Kremer, B., Wrzosek, B., Królikowska, A., Kaźmierczak, J. (2016): Fungal Ferromanganese Mineralisation in Cretaceous Dinosaur Bones from the Gobi Desert, Mongolia.  PLOS ONE 11(2): e0146293.  [text - journal site]

Kaźmierczak, J. (2016) Ancient Martian biomorphs from the rim of Endeavour Crater: similarities with fossil Terrestrial microalgae. In: Rozhnov, S. V. ed. Paleontology Stratigraphy Astrobiology, In commemoration of 80th anniversary of A. Yu. Rozanov, 229-242. Borissiak Paleontological Institute RAS, Moscow.
Kremer, B., and Kaźmierczak, J. (2017) Cellularly preserved microbial fossils from ~3.4 Ga deposits of South Africa: A testimony of early appearance of oxygenic life? Precambrian Research 295, 117-129.   [text - journal site]
Kremer, B., Kaźmierczak, J., and  Środoń, J. (2018) Cyanobacterial-algal crusts from Late Ediacaran paleosols of the East European Craton. Precambrian Research 305, 236-246.   [text - journal site]

Kremer, J., Kaźmierczak, J., Kempe, S. (2019). Authigenic replacement of cyanobacterially precipitated calcium carbonate by aluminium-silicates in giant microbialites of Lake Van (Turkey). Sedimentology 66, 285-304.   [text - journal site]

Materiały pokonferencyjne

Kazmierczak, J. 1976. The affinity and paleobiology of stromatoporoids: a critical review.- Symposium on Biology and Systematics of Colonial Organisms, 7- 8 April 1976, Durham, Program with Abstracts.

Kazmierczak, J. 1977. The oldest eukaryotes: their nature and time of origin. - Conference on Recent Advances in Evolutionary and Theoretical Biology (Polish National Committee of IUBS), 15-18 November, 1977, Warszawa, Program with Abstracts.

Campbell, S., Kazmierczak, J. and Golubic, S. 1978. Evidence for evolutionary conservatism of the bangioid rhodophytes. 17th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Section of the American Phycological Society, April 1978, Woods Hole, Program with Abstracts.

Campbell, S., Kazmierczak, J. and Golubic, S. 1978. Morphometric characterization of Silurian Endolithic Algae. - Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, 13th Annual Meeting, March 9-11, 1978, Boston, Program with Abstracts.

Kazmierczak, J. 1979. Cyanophyte origin of stromatoporoids: new evidence with implications. - IIe Symposium International sur les Algues Fossiles, Avril 1979, Paris, Resumees.

Kazmierczak, J. 1979. The Affinity and Palaeobiology of Stromatoporoids: A critical Review (Abstract). In: G. Larwood and G. Rosen (eds.), Biology and Systematics of Colonial Organisms, 1, Academic Press, London.

Kazmierczak, J. 1979. The Nature of Stromatoporoids - A Study of Misapprehension.- Third International Symposium on Fossil Cnidarians, September 24-28, 1979, Warszawa, Program with Abstracts.

Kazmierczak, J. 1984. Auswirkung von Schwankungen des Ca2+-Gehaltes im Meereswasser und die Entwicklung von Schalenbildnern. Geotagung 1984, Hamburg. 136. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft and 54. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 23-26 September, 1984. Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Posterausstellungen, S. 67, Universität Hamburg-Verlag, 1984.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. and Degens, E. T. 1986. The soda ocean concept and its bearing on biotic and crustal evolution. The Fifth International Symposium on Biomineralization: The Origin of Ocean Chemistry and Its Significance to Biomineralization,_ May 19-23, 1986, University of Texas at Arlington, Abstracts and Program, 2p., The Univ. of Texas Press, Arlington.

Degens, E. T. and Kazmierczak, J. 1986. Evolution of Biocarbonates and the Global Calcium Cycle. 7th Regional Meeting on Sedimentology of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), Kraków, May 23-25, 1986, Abstracts of Papers, S. 55, Drukarnia Univ. Jagiell., Kraków.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak J. and Stetter K. H. 1988. Satonda Insel: Schlüssel Zur chemischen Evolution des Ozeans. In: Statusseminar MARINE ROHSTOFFORSCHUNG mit dem deutschen Forschungsschiff "Sonne" im Zeitraum 1984 bis 1988, Goslar 9. Mai bis 11. Mai 1988, Programm und Kurzfassungen der Vorträge, Kernforschungsanlage Jülich GmbH.

Kempe, S. and Kazmierczak, J. 1989. Satonda Crater Lake and its stromatolites: a recent model for the early alkaline ocean? In: European Union of Geosciences (EUG) Meeting V, Strassbourg, 20-23 March 1989.- Terra Abstracts, 1 (1), 197.

Kazmierczak, J. 1990. The onset of biomineralization on the Precambrian/Cambrian boundary: Effect of global ionic changes in the marine realm. Third International Symposium on the Cambrian System, 1-9 August 1990, Novosibirsk, USSR: ABSTRACTS ed by L.N. Repina and A. J. Zhuravlev, Novosibirsk, 1990.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. 1991. Recent counterparts of Palaeozoic Wetheredella and related problematic fossils. 5th International Symposium on Fossil Algae, Capri, 7-12 April, 1991, ABSTRACTS, 1991, Napoli.

Kazmierczak, J. 1992. The onset and early evolution of biocalcification processes: effects of changing ionic synergisms in the cell surrounding. 29th International Geological Congress, Kyoto (Japan), 24 August - 3 September 1992, Abstracts, vol. 2 of 3, p. 2030.

Kazmierczak, J., Gruszczyński, M., Coleman, M., Smalley, C. and Maile, C. 1993. LASSIE analyses of in situ calcified cyanobacterial mat: a tool in biogeochemistry of ancient carbonates. Seventh Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences (EUG VII), April 4-8th 1933, Strasbourg. Terra Abstracts, Abstract supplement No.1 to Terra Nova, vol. 5, p. 707.

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S., Gruszczyński, M., Coleman, M. 1993. Concurrence of in vivo and early post-mortem biocalcification in modern coccoid cyanobacterial mats from Indonesia: a key to the morphogenesis of ancient stromatolites. VIIth Biomineralization Symposium, November17-20, 1993, Monaco, Pogram and Abstracts, p. 69.

Kazmierczak, J., Gruszczyński, M., Coleman, M.L. and Kempe, S. 1994. Coccoid cyanobacterial origin of common micritic and peloidal limestones: Jurassic and modern examples. 14th International Sedimentological Congress, Recife (Brazil), August, 20-26, Abstracts, p. B-6 - B-7.

Kazmierczak, J., Gruszczyński, M., Coleman, M., Kempe, S., and Maile, C. 1994. Origin of lamination in modern and ancient in situ calcified stromatolites: a geomicrobiological and isotopic approach. Death Valley International Stromatolite Symposium, Loughlin, Nevada, 15-17 October 1994, Abstracts (ed. S.M. Awramik), p. 38.

Kempe S. and Kazmierczak, J. 1994. Hydrochemical prerequisites for modern and past environments sustaining in situ calcifying cyanobacterial mats. Death Valley International Stromatolite Symposium, Loughlin, Nevada, 15-17 October 1994, Abstracts (ed. S.M. Awramik), p. 41.

Kazmierczak, J., Weitschat, W., Gruszczynski, M. and Kempe, S. 1994. Devonian and Triassic seafloor accumulated micritic limestones: product of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria. Death Valley International Stromatolite Symposium, Loughlin, Nevada, 15-17 October 1994, Abstracts (ed. S.M. Awramik), p. 39-40.

Kazmierczak, J., Gruszczyński, M., Coleman, M. L., Kempe, S. 1995. Open marine micritic and peloidal limestones: product of benthic coccoid cyanobacteria. In: D. Bosence (ed.), 10th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists, Abstract volume for Talks and Posters, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, 2-5th July 1995, pp.32-33.

Kazmierczak, J. and Iryu, Y. 1997. Cyanobacterial origin of syngenetic microcrystalline cements from Pleistocene corallinacean crusts and rhodoliths of Okierabu-Jima (Ryukyu Islands, Japan). 18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology, Heidelberg September 2-4, 1997, Abstracts. Gaea heidelbergensis 3, p. 188.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. 1998. Bakteryjne sferulity z cyjanobakteryjnych mikrobialitów jeziora Van (Turcja) kluczem do wyjaśnienia genezy kopalnych ooidów. Działalność Naukowa PAN, 6, 54-56, Warszawa.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. 1998. Bacterial spherulites associated with coccoid cyanobacterial microbialites from Lake Van, Turkey: clues for the origin of ooids. 15th Intern. Sedim. Congress, Alicante, April 12-17, 1998, Abstracts, 466-467.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. 2000. Problemy taksonomii i ekologii w badaniach paleoalgologicznych. Material konferencyjne z XIX Sympozjum Sekcji Fykologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego Tlen 2000, Wydawnictwo FIL, Bydgoszcz; str. 31-33.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. 2001. Early alkaline oceans: modeling environments for biogenesis. In: R. Greeley (ed.), Europa Focus Group Workshop Abstracts, NASA- Ames Research Center, February 1-2, 2001, p. 14-15.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. 2001. The alkaline lake Van, Turkey: A test site for the origin of life and chemical evolution of early planetary oceans. In: R. Greeley (Ed.) Europa Focus Group Abstracts, NASA Astrobiology Institute Workshop, 7-9 September, Flagstaff, Arizona, p.21-22.

Kazmierczak, J., Lacka, B., Malkowski, K. Kempe, S. Kulicki, C. and Kuzniarski, M. 2001. Calcification potential of artificial marine cyanobacterial mats. In: W.E. Krumbein, T. Dornieden and M. Volkmann (eds.), Programme, Abstracts and Participants, p. 33; A Symposium on Fossil and Recent Biofilms, Oldenburg, February 16-22.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. 2001. Modern terrestrial analogs of carbonate globules from the Martian meteorite ALH84001. Abstracts of the International GeoExtreme Symposium, May 5-11, 2001, Isole Tremiti (Wlochy).

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. 2001. Early alkaline oceans: modeling environments for biogenesis. In: R. Greeley (ed.), Europa Focus Group Workshop Abstracts, NASA- Ames Research Center, February 1-2, 2001, p. 14-15.

Kremer, B. and Kazmierczak J. 2001. Devonian calcified acritarchs (calcispheres): A key to Mesozoic nannoconids? In: U.G. Wortmann and H. Funk (eds.), Abstracts and Programme of the 21st Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS 2001), 3-5 September 2001, Davos, Szwajcaria, p. 180-181.

Kazmierczak, J. 2001. Research between Sisyphos and Tantalos. Acta Palaeont. Polonica, vol. 46, no.2, 306-307. [Book review: M.H. Nitecki et al. 1999. Receptaculitids: A Phylogenetic Debate on a Problematic Fossil Taxon, Kluver Publ., Dordrecht, 241 pp.

Altermann, W. and Kazmierczak, J. 2001. The role of coccoid cyanobacteria in the formation of late Archean carbonates. In: K.F. Cassidy, J.M. Dunphy and M.J. Van Kranendonk (eds.) Extended Abstract Volume of the 4th International Archaean Symposium, 24-28 September 2001 – Perth, Western Australia. Str. 219-221.

Kazmierczak J. and Kremer, B. 2001. Early diagenetically calcified Devonian acritarchs: A source of calcispheric structures. In: U.G. Wortmann and H. Funk (eds.), Abstracts and Programme of the 21st Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS 2001), 3-5 September 2001, Davos, Szwajcaria, p. 176.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. 2002. Bioindicators and biomarkers, A rehearsal. In: R. Greeley (ed.), Europa Focus Group 3, Arizona State University and NASA Astrobiology Institute, 14-15 May, Flagstaff, Arizona, 21-22.

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S. 2002. Models of CaCO3 precipitation in modern natural and cultured cyanobacterial mats. Clues for explaining the origin of ancient carbonate cyanobacterial microbialites. In: A. Y. Rozanov, J. Lipps and R. Hoover (eds.) International Conference Bacterial Paleontology, 21- 25 May 2002, Moskwa, p. 47.

Kremer, B. and Kazmierczak, J. 2002. Degradational spectra of silicified benthic coccoid cyanobacteria from early Silurian black laminated cherts (lydites) of Poland. In: A. Y. Rozanov, J. Lipps and R. Hoover (eds.) International Conferences Bacterial Paleontology, 21- 25 May 2002 Moskwa, p. 47.

Kazmierczak J. and Kremer B. 2002. Significance of cyanobacterial mats in the evolution of biosphere. In. J. Matula, M. Pietryka and D. Richter (eds.) Glony różnych ekosystemów problemy ochrony, ekologii i taksonomii. Abstrakty XXI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Sekcji Fykologicznej PTB, 13-16 czerwca 2002, Karpacz, str. 32-33.

Kazmierczak, J. and Altermann, W. 2002. The mode of silicate and carbonate mineralization in Late Archean microbial mats. 16th Internatl. Sediment. Congress Abstract Volume, p. 191-192, 8-12 July 2002, Johannesburg.

Kazmierczak, J., Kühl, M. and Fenchel, T. Referat pt.: Calcium carbonate morphs from microsensor-monitored artificial marine cyanobacterial mats. International Workshop on Geomicrobiology “a research in progress”, January 28 to 31, 2004, University of Aarhus, Dania.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. Referat pt.: Post-mortem calcified planktonic microbes: a source of calcareous deposits in ancient seas. IAS 23rd Meeting of Sedimentology, Coimbra-Portugal, 15-17 September 2004.

Kazmierczak, J., Kühl, M. and Fenchel, T. Calcium carbonate morphs from microsensor- monitored artificial marine cyanobacterial mats. In: International Workshop on Geomicrobiology “a research in progress”, January 28 to 31, 2004, University of Aarhus, Denmark, Programme, Abstracts and Information, 27, Aarhus.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. 2004. Post-mortem calcified planktonic microbes: a source of calcareous deposits in ancient seas. In: IAS 23rd Meeting of Sedimentology, Coimbra- Portugal, 15-17 September 2004, Abstracts book, 161, Coimbra.

Gautier, Q., Benzerara, K., Moreira, D., Kazmierczak, J., Guyot, F., Kempe, S. and Lopez-Garcia, P. Molecular diversity of cyanobacteria and other members of the microbial community associated to microbialites from Satonda Crater Lake, Indonesia. Abstract for the 17th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, 25-29 June, 2007 Merida, México, p. 39.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. and Stal, L.J. 2007. Calcium carbonate precipitates from cyanobacterial mats of the North Sea barrier island. Abstract for the 17th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, 25-29 June, 2007 Merida, México.

Kazmierczak, J., López-Garcia, P., Tavera, R., Kempe, S., Kremer, B., Moreira, D., 2008. Modern and sub-recent carbonate microbialites from the alkaline lake Alchichica, Mexico - Referat na ‘Kalkowsky Conference’, 5- 8 październik 2008, Göttingen, Germany.

Kazmierczak, J., Altermann, W., Kremer, B., Kempe, S., and Eriksson, P.G., 2008. Late Archean mineralised cyanobacterial mats and their modern analogs - Poster European Planetary Science Congress, 21-26 wrzesien 2008, Münster, Germany.

Kempe S, J. Hartmann, J., and Kazmierczak, J. 2008. Recent Alkaline Lakes: Clues to Understanding the Evolution of Early Planetary Alkaline Oceans and Biogenesis. European Planetary Science Congress, 21-26 September 2008, Münster, Germany. Abstracts Volume.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. Bauersachs, T. Schouten, S., Sinninghe-Damste, J. S. 2008. Thermally altered Silurian cyanobacterial mats: clues for interpreting traces of Archean life - Poster na Mid-term conference on the RNP Archean Environment: the habitat of early life, 11-13 kwiecień 2008, Vienna, Austria.

Benzerara, K., Meibom, A., Lopez-Garcia, J., Kazmierczak, J., Brown, G.E., Jr. 2009. Study of mineral-microbe assemblages down to the nm-scale in carbonate microbialites. Goldschmidt 2009 Challenges to Our Volatile Planet, June 21-26, Davos, Switzerland.

Kazmierczak, J., Altermann, W., Kremer, B., Kempe, S., Eriksson, P.G. 2009 Cyanobacterial origin of fine-grained carbonates from the Neoarchean Nauga Formation of South Africa. IAS 2009 Italy, 20-24 September, Sardynia, Italy.

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S. 2009. Mineral products of alkaline endorheic and caldera lakes as planetary biosignatures. European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Biosignatures On Exoplanets; The Identity Of Life (Mason, N. and Szuszkiewicz, E. Convenors), Mulhause (France), 22-25 June 2009. Abstracts, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Kremer, B. M. Bauer, J. Kazmierczak, N. Gast, R.W. Stark, W. Altermann, H-J., Gursky, and W.M. Heckl. 2009 Atomic Force Microscopy in Paleontology: imaging of Silurian microfossils. AFM Forum, 1-3 July 2009, Munich.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J., Bauer, M., Stark, R.W. 2010. A confocal Raman proxy for a ffinities and fossilization mode of Silurian acritarchs . Goldschmidt Conference 2010, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 12, A539.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. 2010. Degradation spectra of Early Silurian coccoid cyanobacterial mats: Significance for identifying traces of oldest life. SEPM Field Conference on Microbial Mats in siliciclastic Deposits (Archean to Today), Denver, USA, May 21 - 23, 2010.

Lehnert, O., Kremer, B., Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Frýda, J., Dobeš, P., Kazmierczak, J., Cerný, P., Mařík, K. .2010. Yellowstone-like microbial environments in Tremadocian hydrothermal vent systems at the northern Gondwana margin (Prague Basin, Czech Republic). 80. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in München, 05.-08.10.2010. Zitteliana, Reihe B, 29: 69.

Lehnert, O., Kremer, B., Fatka, O., Kraft, P., Frýda, J., Dobeš, P., Kazmierczak, J., Cerný, P., Mařík, K. 2010. Tremadocian microbial hydrothermal vent communities in an intra-continental setting (Prague Basin, Czech Republic). In Hoppe, A., Röhlich, H.-G. and Schüth, C. (eds.): GeoDarmstadt 2010 – Geosciences secure the future. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 68: 356.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J., Kremer, B. López-García, P., Moreira, D., Tavera, T., Henschel, H-V. 2010. Hydrochemistry and microbialites of Alchichica Crater Lake (Puebla, Mexico): importance for understanding the early ocean chemistry. In Hoppe, A., Röhlich, H.-G. and Schüth, C. (eds.): GeoDarmstadt 2010 – Geosciences secure the future. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 68: 350.

Kempe, S., Kazmierczak, J. 2010. Development of Ocean Chemistry and Life on Earth and its Consequences for the Earth Atmosphere. First Meeting of the Working Group 3, COST Action CM0805 (The Chemical Cosmos – Exoplanet Atmospheres), 14-17 January 2010, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J., Bauer, M. and Stark, R.W. (2010): A confocal Raman proxy for affinities and fossilization mode of Silurian acritarchs. Goldschmidt Conference 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, June 13-18, 2010, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 12, A539.

Kremer, B. and Kazmierczak, B. (2010): Degradation spectra of Early Silurian coccoid cyanobacterial mats: Significance for identifying traces of oldest life, SEPM Field Conference on Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Deposits (Archean to Today), Denver, USA, May 21 – 23.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2011): Deciphering the early fossil record of cyanobacterial mats based on their mode of mineralization. Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, August 14-19, 2011.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J., Lukomska-Kowalczyk, M. and Kempe, S. (2011): Fossilization potential of stromatolite-forming cyanobacteria from alkaline caldera lakes of Niuafo'ou Island, Tonga, Workshop on Geobiology in Space Exploration, Marrakech, Morocco - February 7 - 9, 2011.

Kazmierczak, J. and Kremer, B. (2011): Micro-concretionary structures with microbial nuclei as planetary biosignatures, Workshop on Geobiology in Space Exploration, Marrakech, Morocco - February 7 - 9, 2011.

Łukomska-Kowalczyk, M., Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. and Kempe, S. (2011): Fossilization of modern benthic cyanobacteria exemplified by stromatolites from alkaline volcanic lakes of Niuafo’ou Island (Tonga, South Pacific). 30th International Conference of the Polish Phycological Society “The past, present and future of phycological research. Its significance for man and environment protection”, Wroclaw, May 19-21, 2011.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. (2012): Earth’s earliest planktonic ecosystem evidenced from ~ 3.4 Ga Kromberg Fm (S. Africa). 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 10 – 13 September 2012, Schladming, Austria.

Kremer, B., Bauersachs, T., Kazmierczak, J. (2012): Lipid biomarkers and δ15N as geochemical tracers of organic matter in Early Silurian siliceous shales of Poland. GeoShale conference, Recent advances in geology of fine-grained sediments,14-16 May 2012, Warsaw.

Kremer, B., Kazmierczak, J. (2012): Characterization of organic matter from the Silurian siliceous shales of Poland. AAPG Conference: Unconventional Gas Shales in Poland: A Look at the Science, 10-11 May 2012, Warsaw, Poland. 

Kazmierczak, J., Kempe, S., Kremer, B., Owocki, K. (2013): Coated volcanic glass shards as planetary biosignatures: Sub-recent and Paleoarchean examples. Conference Proceeding, 13th European Workshop on Astrobiology, 22-25 July 2013 CASA, University of Szczecin: 89-92.

Kazmierczak, J., Kremer, B., Altermann, W., Franchi, I. (2013): Eukaryote-like microfossils from the Neoarchean (~2.7 Ga) Sodium Group (Ventersdorp Supergroup) of South Africa. The International Biogeoscience Conference 2013 Nagoya, Japan (Revealing the biotic diversity of the early earth and the evolution of cyanobacteria and eukaryotes) – November 1st-4th , at Nagoya University, Japan. Program & Abstracts: 27.


Józef Kaźmierczak

Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
ul. Twarda 51/55
00-818 Warszawa, POLSKA
tel. (+48 22) 6978-887; pokój 147